Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Starlyn

I feel like with Lola here, I have neglected posting about Star(unless it's to complain). ha. Star is doing much much better. She has become such a big helper. Sometimes it seems the opposite, but she tries and wants to help so bad so I let her. She absolutely loves LOVES Lola. She can say her name, which is soooo precious. Here are some of my favorite pics we took recently.

Ready for church

Practicing her smile

Wearing my heels. (she is going
to have awesome legs!)

This one cracks me up. I was eating lunch one day and I look
over to find Star like this. I had to get a picture. hahahaha!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lola's blessing day

Aug 12, 20012 was Lola's baby blessing. It was such a beautiful day! I have always loved baby blessings. You feel the spirit so very strong, but when it is your own child being blessed, it is truly amazing. The spirit was so overwhelmingly strong, I started wondering why I even wore makeup, I cried so much. The blessing was beautiful. Denton does such a great job. He sounded confident and calm, not nervous at all. I don't remember the blessing exactly, but the feeling I got was she is going to be such a blessing to our family and become a wonderful woman. I pray that I can be the example she needs to prepare her for all that her Heavenly Father has to offer her and wants to bless her with.

After the blessing we went to the Cook's and had a family get together. I feel so very blessed for all the love and support we were shown, not only by my family but Denton's as well. I absolutely love being so close to family again. Not only cause of the unlimited babysitters, but to be able to spend time with all of them! I feel it's so important for the girls to develop a relationship with all of them, and it's so fun to see them play with their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.

I am so grateful for little Lola Bue. I love that girl soooo very much. She has been such a joy to have around, and its hard to picture how it was without her. I look forward to seeing her grow and her little personality come out. I love you Lola!!!