Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Starlyn

I feel like with Lola here, I have neglected posting about Star(unless it's to complain). ha. Star is doing much much better. She has become such a big helper. Sometimes it seems the opposite, but she tries and wants to help so bad so I let her. She absolutely loves LOVES Lola. She can say her name, which is soooo precious. Here are some of my favorite pics we took recently.

Ready for church

Practicing her smile

Wearing my heels. (she is going
to have awesome legs!)

This one cracks me up. I was eating lunch one day and I look
over to find Star like this. I had to get a picture. hahahaha!


  1. too cute! you are such a good mom -- one day they will sing praises to you (quite literally in the primary presentation for mother's day lol)
