Friday, May 28, 2010

We are having a GIRL!!

Well everyone, we broke the Scott curse. Denton comes from all boys, so everyone naturally thought we were going to be having a little boy. Surprise... it's a girl! We had our ultra sound yesterday, and when the tech asked if we can tell what it is, I was like, noo.... she wrote up on the screen, Daddy's little girl! We are soo excited. I think the best part for me, was watching how much Denton was into the ultra sound. He loved it!!
It was exciting to tell Cindy also (mother in law)! When she found out we were prego, She said Cortney, I am confident you are going to break the curse and give me more girls! ha.. When I told her the news, she was very excited, and I think all the boys were like, What, a girl, that's impossible....hahaha.. This is going to be a fun journey! I am soo excited.
And incase everyone is wondering, YES, we have a name picked out. Her name will be Starlyn Maya (mya) Scott! Denton picked out the middle names, like the mayan indians in mexico, but I was surprised how much I liked it. Props to him!!!


  1. Congrats again! Bo and I were guessing what we thought you guys would have... he thought a boy, I thought a girl. I love being right! :) See ya this weekend!

  2. YAY! I can't wait to see you this weekend!!! I love LOVE LOVE the name!!!! I might have you guys name our babies too!!! seriously though :) I love you so much Cortney!

  3. waaahoooo i am soooo excited that you are having a girl!!! i love you girl halllaa yeahhhhh and hey yes welcome to the blogging world! you will love it!!! waahooo

  4. Post some prego pics girl!!!

  5. yays! ps. i LOVE the name!

  6. It was so great to see you guys! We love you so much and are excited about the new baby girl that will be joining you soon!
