Saturday, November 26, 2011

Star's first birthday!

Star is finally one year old. I cannot believe how fast the time goes. People say it does, and man they were right. She is pretty talented. She is walking like a champ, running, walking backwards, climbing and jumping off things. She is really good at entertaining herself, which is such a blessing! She does great with other kids, and loves to be busy. She is a busy body. And that girl can eat!! and I mean EAT!! Look at those cheeks of hers. She loves every kind of food too. This girl is not picky at all! (WOOHOO!)

Since her birthday is so close to Halloween, I decided to have a costume party for her. It was sooo fun. More for me of course, but still tons of fun. All her little cousins came, we had a pinata, costume contest, painted pumpkins, cupcakes, and just fun!!

I look forward to this coming year to see how she will grow and develop even more. I love this girl with all of my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Those cupcakes are sooo cute! Good job! And Starlyn is sooo cute. Of course.
