My Lola Bue is 4 months already. I cannot believe how fast it's going. It makes me sad. Lola is such a joy to have in our family. She makes me smile. I mean look at her. It's hard not to smile :) She has discovered her feet and loves to play with them. I don't think Star ever did that so it's been fun watching the similarities and differences with the girls. She cannot roll over yet, but gets soooo close. Any day now it could happen. She is not a big fan of tummy time yet, but I still force it to get those tummy muscles strong. She is laughing more now, which is probably the best sound in the world. She loves Star (most the time) and smiles huge when she comes around. She makes the funniest faces, and is always happy. Sleeps well, and as you can tell, eats well too!!!
(The dress she is wearing was Star's Christmas dress when she was born, I had to put Lola in it before she got too big, so we made a photo shoot out of it)
this one makes me laugh..haha
LOVE this picture